Business Services

Do you need help forming a business?

Let us do the work for you! We can help you form a corporation (INC) or Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the state of Florida. As an added benefit, you will receive a one-year FUBA membership free of charge. Click here to read about all the advantages of FUBA membership.

We can:

  • File your application to form a corporation or Limited Liability Company with the State of Florida’s Division of Corporations
  • Provide you with any needed Stock Certificates for your corporation
  • Provide you with information on obtaining a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
  • Provide information on making the IRS Subchapter S election for your corporation
  • Assist you with filing any needed Amendments, Reinstatements, or Dissolutions
  • Explain how to file for an exemption from workers’ compensation
  • Send you reminders on important filing dates for your corporation or LLC

Corporations (INCs)

To form a new corporation, download the Application for Incorporation.

When the documents are processed by the State of Florida, you will receive the following:

  • A Certificate of Status from the Division of Corporations showing that your new corporation is active with the State of Florida
  • A Certified Copy of the filing from the Division of Corporations
  • Official Stock Certificates indicating the allocation of the stock of your corporation as you requested on your application
  • A Corporations Checklist along with the forms to obtain an FEIN for your corporation, the forms to choose an S-corporation election with the IRS, and information on obtaining an exemption from workers’ compensation insurance

To make a change to an existing corporation (such as adding new officers or directors, deleting officers or directors who are no longer with the corporation, or to changing the company’s address on file with the state), download the Application for Amending Articles of Incorporation.

When the documents are processed by the State of Florida, you will receive the following:

  • The official copy of the Amendment to your corporation’s Articles of Incorporation
  • A Certified Copy of the filing
  • New official Stock Certificates (if ownership percentages change)

To request Stock Certificates for your corporation, download the Application for Stock Certificates.

When this application is processed, we will send you the official Stock Certificates indicating the allocation of the stock of your corporation as you requested on your application.

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)

To form a new Limited Liability Company, download the Application for Organizing a Limited Liability Company.

When the documents are processed by the State of Florida, you will receive the following:

  • A Certificate of Status from the Division of Corporations showing that your new LLC is active with the State of Florida
  • A Certified Copy of the filing from the Division of Corporations
  • An LLC Checklist along with the forms to obtain an FEIN for your LLC, and information on obtaining an exemption from workers’ compensation insurance

To make a change to an existing LLC (such as adding new managers, deleting managers who are no longer with the LLC, or changing the company’s address on file with the state), download the Application for Amending Articles of Organization.

When the documents are processed by the State of Florida, you will receive the following:

  • The official copy of the Amendment to your LLC’s Articles of Organization
  • A Certified Copy of the filing from the Division of Corporations

To obtain certified copies of your existing company’s Articles of Incorporation (INC) or Articles of Organization (LLC) from the state Division of Corporations, download the application.

Call 800-262-4483 or email us at today to get started.