June 2022
If your business will hire teenagers under the age of 18 for the summer, here is what you need to know:
- Teens must be at least 14 years old to work in Florida (there are exceptions for children working in a parent’s business in a non-hazardous occupation and for newspaper delivery).
- No special documentation or permission is required for your business to hire a teenager. Parents do not have to give permission for their child to work for your business, nor do you need to get a special work permit.
- Keep a copy of the minor’s driver’s license or birth certificate as proof of their age.
- A Child Labor poster must be posted at your workplace. This poster explains in detail what types of work is prohibited for teens under 18 and the restrictions on their work hours.
This poster is available free for FUBA members. Call us at 800-262-4483 or email us at fuba@fuba.org to request your free Child Labor poster. You can also print one from our website by clicking here. If you are printing your own poster, we recommend using legal-sized paper (8 ½ x 14”). - If your business has a workers’ comp policy, let your local insurance agent know when you hire the minor so they can be added to your policy.
- Like other employees, minors must be paid at least $10.00 an hour (current Florida minimum wage). Tipped employees must be paid a cash wage of at least $6.98 an hour.
- Here are the general rules on what type of work minors can do and how many hours per week they can work during the summer:
During the summer, 14 and 15-year-olds:
- Can work up to 8 hours a day and up to 40 hours a week. Cannot work more than 40 hours a week.
- Can work between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.
- Cannot work more than 6 days in a row.
- Must be given a 30-minute break after working 4 consecutive hours. The break can be unpaid.
- Can work in most office jobs, retail, and food service establishments, but cannot prepare or serve alcoholic beverages.
- Cannot use electric or gas grills that involve an open flame or use fryers that are not equipped to automatically raise and lower fry baskets into the grease.
- Cannot work in hazardous jobs such as construction or use power-driven machinery, including lawnmowers, lawn trimmers, and weed cutters.
During the summer, 16 and 17-year-olds:
- Can work any time of day and can work unlimited hours. If they work more than 40 hours in a week, they must be paid overtime pay (time and a half).
- Cannot work more than 6 days in a row.
- Must be given a 30-minute break after working 4 consecutive hours. The break can be unpaid.
- Cannot prepare or serve alcoholic beverages.
- 16-year-olds cannot drive as part of their job. 17-year-olds may drive during the day to run occasional errands. They cannot make time-sensitive deliveries (like pizzas).
Occupations prohibited for ALL teens under 18:
- Operating motor vehicles on public highways.
- Working with electrical apparatus or wiring.
- Operating circular saws or band saws.
- Working in demolition, wrecking, or excavation.
- Working on roofs, scaffolding, or ladders above six feet.
- Working on gutters/downspouts, installing or servicing TV/cable/satellite equipment, or installing/servicing HVAC equipment attached to roofs.
- Working around toxic substances, including pesticides or herbicides.
The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation enforces child labor requirements in Florida. For more information, you can visit the DBPR website here.
If you have any questions about hiring a teenager, you can call the FUBA experts at 800-262-4483 or email us at fuba@fuba.org.
To help the State of Florida enforce child support orders, Florida businesses are required to report new employees and independent contractors paid at least $600 to the Florida New Hire Reporting Center.
You can report online or file a paper form by mail or fax. Click here for the website to report new hires or to print forms.
The information that must be reported is:
- The employee or independent contractor’s name, address, and Social Security Number.
- The date the employee or independent contractor began working for the business.
- The name, address, and FEIN of your business.
Employees: report new employees within 20 days of their hire date. You only need to report employees one time, at the time they are hired.
Independent contractors: As soon as your business has paid an independent contractor $600, report them within 20 days. Independent contractors must be reported each year that your business pays them $600 or more.
Please note: The requirement to report independent contractors only applies to individuals (people working alone) that your business hires. You do not have to report a company (corporation or LLC) that is paid by the business to do work.
If you have questions, you can call the Florida New Hire Reporting Center at 850-656-3343 or visit the Department of Revenue’s website listed above. FUBA members can call our offices at 800-262-4483 and ask for Karen or Mallory.
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