Attention INCs and LLCs: Beware of Scam Email About Your Annual Report
All Florida Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s) have to file an Annual Report with the Florida Division of Corporations each year by May 1st.
(The only exception is for corporations and LLC’s that were just formed in 2020 – those businesses will file their first Annual Report in 2021.)
The Annual Report is the way your company tells the State of Florida if there have been any changes to your company’s information. But you must file an Annual Report even if no changes need to be made to your company’s information.
Florida businesses are receiving an email from the “Reminder Department” of Florida Document Filings Co.. regarding the 2020 Annual Report. This email is not legitimate and is not in any way affiliated with the State of Florida.
The only way for a company to file their Annual Report is through the Florida Division of Corporation’s official state website at is the official corporate registry for the State of Florida. If a company clicks on the link in the scam email, it does not take them to Plus, filing your Annual Report through this scam email is more expensive than filing it on
The Division of Corporations will send you a reminder to file your Annual Report. The official email will be from and will contain a link to
Please call our offices at 800-262-4483 and ask for Karen or Lance if you have any questions about your company’s Annual Report.
This is an example of what the scam email can look like: