A Contractor’s Guide to Workers’ Compensation
As a service to our members in the construction industry, FUBA provides at no charge a two-page publication titled A Contractor’s Guide to Workers’ Compensation, which summarizes a contractor’s responsibilities under the Florida workers’ compensation law.
In the Guide, we answer questions like:
- What are the workers’ comp requirements for a business in the construction industry?
- What’s an exemption and how can I get one?
- What are my responsibilities if I hire subcontractors?
- Why do I have to pay extra premium on my workers’ comp policy if I hire a sub that doesn’t have workers’ comp coverage?
- What am I risking if I hire a sub that has an exemption instead of a workers’ comp policy?
- Is there an easy way I can make sure the subs I hire have valid workers’ comp coverage?
- Why do I need to file my company’s Annual Report with the State of Florida each year?